Staging a Home to Sell: Mailboxes

When getting your home ready for the market the smallest details can make all the difference to attract buyers. In our continuing series Staging Homes to Sell series today we are going to talk about an important feature: your home’s mailbox. The mailbox is such a small insignificant item that often we take for granted, but an ignored mailbox can show signs that other items in the home have been ignored. Here are some easy, inexpensive tips for staging your mailbox.

For Hanging Mailboxes:

Notice how this hanging mailbox matched the house number - both in shade of metal and style.  While it won't scream out to buyers, ensuring a consistent look will help the over all feel of your home.
Notice how this hanging mailbox matched the house number – both in shade of metal and style. While it won’t scream out to buyers, ensuring a consistent look will help the over all feel of your home.

You have a hanging mailbox when it is attached to your home, usually right next to the door on the porch. This means that while it takes the Buyers’ Agent time to get out the key out of the lockbox your potential buyers have a good chance to sum up their house experience based on what the porch looks like.  Don’t let such a small item cause buyers to be turned off.
• Because of its closeness to the other hard wear it is important that the mailbox matches the other items on the porch.
• The mailbox color should match or compliment the doorknob, house numbers, and trim of the house.
• Replace a rusted out mailbox or repair.
• Make sure that you give it a good cleaning – a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will do the trick for most surfaces.




For Post Mailboxes:

Adding fresh flowers and mulch make this mailbox very appealing.  Also the box and the post match the trim of the house, lending to a uniform look.
Adding fresh flowers and mulch make this mailbox very appealing. Also the box and the post match the trim of the house, lending to a uniform look.


Post mailboxes have even more exposure because often they are located near the street. As potential buyers pass by it is so important not to over look this feature.

If you have a personalized mailbox it is important to depersonalize it.  We’re sure your large bass shaped box is impressive but unless you happen to catch another angler then it might be best to replace it with a simpler mailbox design

This mailbox is lovely, but too personalized for the resale market.  Instead switch it out for a more neutral style that matches the home.
This mailbox is lovely, but too personalized for the resale market. Instead switch it out for a more neutral style that matches the home.

Some other tips:

o Check for rust, loose screws, and splinters on the post – repair or replace hardware.
o Paint or stain the post to match the home’s trim
o Plant flowers or pretty ornamental grass along the base of the post.